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Hello! This is a support blog for my App, “Dot Product.”

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This is an App I’ve developed as a gift for my Dad, based on a game he used to play when I was growing up with him. As such, I intend not to monetize or extensively support any new feature sets. The current conditions of the game are as follows:


-Tap the button at the bottom of the screen to launch a “ricochet disk.”

-To reset high score and other game data, tap and hold the button in the upper right corner and wait for the screen to fade to black.

Game Rules:

The Objective: Destroy as many ricochet disks as possible.

-Ricochet disks fire from the launcher, and slow down continuously until stopping. Where they stop, they expand as far as they can before their edge touches a wall or another ricochet disk.

-If a ricochet disk passes below the line at the bottom of the play area, it’s Game Over.

-There are 3 types of ricochet disks, Standard Disks, Open Disks, and Duplicator Disks. Each disk has its own properties around which you can strategize.

-Standard Disk Properties: Standard Disks appear as a full circle with a concentric ring pattern in the center. They slow down as they travel, and expand where they stop. The standard disk takes 3 hits from other disks to be destroyed.

-Open Disk Properties: Open Disks appear as a ring or empty circle with negative space in the middle. Open Disks slow down at the same rate as Standard Disks, but do not expand where they settle. The Open Disk takes 1 hit from other disks to destroy.

-Duplicator Disk Properties: Duplicator Disks appear as a full circle with an multitude of smaller circles inside, ranging from 2, to 3, to 6, depending on the size of the Duplicator Disk once it settles. For instance, a Duplicator Disk which stops and expands to a large radius will generate 6 circular patterns inside, which first appear as a fuzzy hexagon. Duplicator Disks take 4 hits from other disks to destroy, but when destroyed, absorb the incoming disk and erupt into an array of projectiles which damage surrounding disks. The number of Projectiles that the Duplicator Disk emits scales with its size after expanding; small Duplicator Disks emit 2 projectiles, medium sized Duplicator Disks emit 3 projectiles, and large Duplicator Disks emit 6 projectiles.


-(Your score)/(High score) is displayed in the lower left of the play area. For example, a high score of 10, with a score of 5 will display “5/10.”

-To the right of the launcher, is an indicator which shows which type of ricochet disk will be launching next. Strategize based on the properties of the disk.

Please enjoy Dot Product! Thank you for playing.

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